domingo, 15 de febrero de 2015

¿Metodologías ágiles en proyectos de construcción? Scrum and PMI together? And...why not?

I’d like to focus on PMI adding SCRUM sometimes. And why?...Because, I like It and because of that, I’m writing this¡¡¡. Although, I’m going to explain only how to use Scrum in the initiating process, not in others situations.

And maybe, because the team project increases its effectiveness, motivation and stakeholder interest and attention….So, as Mr. George Clooney say: What else…?  (Please, look not on this comment…)…Let’s see….

Imagine this context,  a new client in a new country trusts in your company (and trust is already important) for a contract in this environment: Construction project where the product is going to be used by a lot of final customers, high budget, high engineering requirements, multidisciplinary technical roles, virtual teams, business high competitive…etc. And we are going to start the implementation phase.

Does it sound difficult to you? Does it sound familiar to you?  Both?
But It can be worse, can’t it? While you are reading the first page of the contract, consultancy, client and others first level stakeholders are asking you for everything…

So, keep the idea and imagine your PMO based on PMI, with senior Project Managers, senior and junior team members with high management and engineering knowledge working in their projects with their problems and their lives…

And now focus on level of effort graph depends on time in each process belong to a project/phase:

The highest value of level of effort/time is in the defining/initiating process and in the planning activities which are developed at the same time. So, in other words, to increase effectiveness, start with a Scrum way. You’ll achieve the point where the main deliverables will be ok and you’ll have a solid schedule.

And become part of your PMO in this:

-        The product owner: The site/project manager will take care about the first level stakeholders, collect requirements and overall will try to obtain the client/customer collaboration and response all of the requirements. But the most important thing is, he/she will have to determine what need to be delivered in a period of time. Obtain the main WBS in the short time, prioritize activities…
-     The Scrum Master: The Project Manager will become in the Scrum Master, will have to manage the team to achieve the goal in each sprint, will ensure the process, lead the sprint planning meeting, manage the team work, participate in the sprint review meetings…

This role is very important in this initiating process, because not only ensure the products will be delivered and increase the possibilities of success, because you start in a high level performance of the project.
In each meeting, the team will increase its motivation, effectiveness…
And all the people, not only the scrum team, will learn others skills and abilities.

-        The Scrum team: The team members belong to the PMO whose for a while will be working to add value in new project, unknown for them. The environment will be new for them, the methodology...
Some of them will continue when the project have a solid schedule with a solid WBS, and the team project have a clear idea what have to do, how, when and for what…

Maybe, you have been planning activities in a short time and/or maybe you have been using Scrum…The way is not the most important; the value is to bring the project closer to the success while the organization learn and grow, and this is an option, why not?

sábado, 14 de febrero de 2015

Ya son algunos los que visitan este pequeño espacio personal. ¡¡Un abrazo a tod@s¡¡

Visitas desde distintas geografías cómo se expone en el recorte de la aplicación que instalé el primer día que este espacio vio la luz. Espero que no haya muchos que vayan por ahí emulando IP's...jejejeje

Gracias a todos por pasaros por este humilde y pequeño espacio. En el que, fiel a su génesis, intento plasmar mis inquietudes, reflexiones, pensamientos....

Estas cosas de las conexiones virtuales en las que no sabemos quién hay al otro lado.
Sin otro ánimo que compartir y aprender, seguiremos dejando rastro....

Con carácter personal y divulgativo, escribiremos en estas páginas infinitas. Con el propósito de poder dejar huella con más frecuencia.

Nada más, un abrazo a tod@s los que mantenéis esto más vivo pasando de vez en cuando por estas humildes páginas virtuales. ¡¡Muchas gracias a tod@s¡¡
Manuel Sánchez Núñez /